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/ History of the World / History of the World (Bureau Development, Inc.)(1992).BIN / dp / 0080 / 0080102.scf (.png) < prev    next >
ColoRIX  |  1992-08-06  |  125KB  |  640x480  |  8-bit (224 colors)
Labels: map | plant | sky
OCR: THE PFACE SETTLEMENT EUROPT Newly Created Stater Ceded Teeritorias Arkhangelel ATIANTY OCEAN petodop Glosgow eningrad NORTH Katar RE AND Dut GREAT Tiverpaol DENMAHK BRITAIN ming Londor .NETH Sarato tenin GERMAN Frankfurt Nont Kharko Toin NC Monich, Vinnra Reetev Lyons EWITZ AUISTRIA HUNC Min Odessa Madric AND Marsnill Ganea RUMANI Se astopel Barcelons Valonci BULGARI BALEARI Curstantinopla Ankara Alzie SREECI *Orar Smyn Tuni wAthen TUNIRIA PEACE SFTTLEMENT EUROPE Coded Territorias ATIANTIC OCEIN